raspberryjams' translations site.

Kaguya no Hana

0:58 ──|──── 2:55

Lyrics: Yohei Matsui (松井洋平)
Composition: Atsushi Harada (原田篤) - Arte Refact
Arrangement: Kyohei Yamamoto (山本恭平) - Arte Refact
Original transcriptions: petitlyrics & ameblo

English | Romaji | Kanji

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Kaguya no Hana


Blossom of Kaguya





While watching over the changing seasons' scenery

Stand with dignity

Simply upright

Keito・Souma: Like steadily growing bamboo

Tenderly touching the heart, it took shape

A faint wish

Hoping to support

Kuro・Souma: And lean into warmly

That we could have met by chance

A rare occurrence

Put the truth into words

AKATSUKI: Let us convey, "Thank you."

Spring is beginning and clouds trail along
Clothed in light purple
The glow of fireflies begin to illuminate the summer night
A cherished relationship

Weave into fabric

That fated bond

It becomes a beautiful garment

AKATSUKI: Memories... must decorate it

In one hundred and twenty years... they are said to bloom only once

Let us see the blossoms with our own eyes

Walking on the path of the full moon...

AKATSUKI: To a place called "tomorrow"

Beyond the passing days, beyond this one moment, beyond the new landscape
Let us go now... This departure, as well, is truly beautiful
A dearly beloved destiny

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